Monday, July 28, 2008

Simple Joys

You know that you are pregnant when a happy, happy day includes a night where you didn't have to get up to pee once! I just realized that last night was the first time in 5 months that I went with uninterrupted sleep and since I couldn't reach Jason at work with the joyous revelation, I must share this with you. I are blessed to share in my news.


Moss & Fern Cottage said...

It's the little things... I'm tellin' ya... they're the best :)

An said...

While we were at Dan's family reunion, in a cabin with no bathroom, and I had to hike across a big grassy field that we were on the far end of, I set a new record for myself of getting up to go 4 times. Of course the next night, when we were at Dan's mom's house with the bathroom right next door, I only had to go once. Go figure.

Kasey said...

That's awesome! I already have a history of a 3 or 4 am wake up at least half the time, so I can only imagine how many times I'll be getting up when I'm pregnant. Good times, I'm sure.


OK, then...thanks for the update!

Kari said...

Ah, the simple joys of pregnancy :)