Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Instead of going to bed...

my children do this,

and this with their stuffed animals before finally falling asleep!

What do yours do to avoid going to sleep?


SHANNA said...

that is so cute. i'm sure they think there stuffed animals will protect them some how. that is sweet! mine stay up and chat and read books OR come down stairs and bug me! i found annelies sound asleep one night with books on every inch of her bed except for her face.

Aimee Memory said...

My kids do the same thing! I think we have almost all of those same animals. That is pretty cute. By the way we got your darling card in the mail. Love love love those pictures of the kids. They are so dang cute!


Saying "good night" to your friends is a good thing!

Lori said...

haha. Jaylee does the same thing. I can't wait for our kids to meet. I'm so glad I found your blog!