Saturday, October 31, 2009


We sure had a fun day today and hope that you did too! The weather was dreary, damp and drizzly but that didn't stop us one bit. This is such a fun holiday and we made the most of it! Here are a few pics of our little ghouls and goblins.
It is quite a chore to get Emmett to look at the camera. We weren't sure whether we should call him a silly monkey or a howler monkey. It varied from minute to minute. That little boy is developing very healthy lungs!

Ava wavered between wanting to be a ghost and Fancy Nancy this year. In the end, the pretty clothes swayed her to the girly girl costume.

Kate was really excited to dress up as Lucy from The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. She was disappointed when she realized that Lucy wasn't the one with the bow and arrow though. It's all about the accessories I tell you!

Jackson really didn't care what he was going to be for Halloween. I just didn't want any scary masks or gorey creatures so we settled on GI Joe. I know, I'm no fun at all.

Ava was such a trooper tonight. She even came home once to dump her bucket in order to lighten her load for more goods!

Kate made a quick costume change and immediately began dividing up her candy into piles upon returning home.

Jackson just dove into his candy until we called uncle and made him brush his teeth.


Katie C Kirkham said...

They are all so cute! Im so glad your day was aweomse! I cannot believe how grown up everyone is looking?!

(Emmi costume was perfect. Thanks so much! A lot of people remembered it from when Ava wore it. Its just such a memorable and CUTE costume!)

Kasey said...

The "sorting" of the loot was always my favorite part of Halloween. Looks they had a TON of fun!

Remember the time we thought it would be fun to dress up like gang members? WHAT were we ThInKiNg!?


Thanks for such details. It was great "living" it with these photos and comments.

Suzanne said...

Okay. They are adorable. Thanks for getting those pictures. You've got one beautiful family, and G.I. Joe is certainly my choice above the bleeding, gory kind.

Shauna said...

Ok, at first I was a little sad that you weren't posting very much because I like to see your happenings. But after looking at these pictures it makes me sad for other reasons, it makes me realize how much I really miss you guys. We found some old video of when Tyren and I came out a couple of summers ago. Everyone was so little! I really am glad you are posting, it makes me miss you but it also makes me love you even that much more.

Mary said...

I loved seeing pictures of this OH SO FUN HOLIDAY. The kids all look so cute. Great costumes! I can't wait to see them in person next week to add the audio!

The Bellyakers... said...

Where the *#@! have you been? It's bad enough that we live across the country from you...but then you go A-Wall on the blog updates! Too much! We miss you guys!

LOVE the pictures.... great Halloween!