Saturday, January 02, 2010

Kate's Journey Part 1

This is a new year for the Hansen Family - the first since 2007 that is CANCER FREE! Our leukemia journey with Kate will never be forgotten but we are happy to move forward to healthier days!

At Kate's end of chemo party in August, Jason made this wonderful DVD chronicling her last 2 years. Since August he's been asking me to put it on the blog but I encountered some technical difficulities. Due to the length of the clip we had to separate it in into two parts. As I just watched this again my overwhelming feeling was of gratitude. Our family has been blessed! We hope that 2010 brings your families an abundance of blessing too!



Oh, dear. Yes, gratitude is top on the list this year!

Heidi said...

Amazing. Thanks for sharing. It is good to see there is always light at the end of the tunnel!

Anne said...

Tears. What a brave little girl with an AMAZING family to support her through it all. Hugs.

SHANNA said...

i can still remember when i first heard about her being sick! you guys are so strong and have such an inspiring story! thank you for sharing your journey.
