Friday, April 04, 2008

Mo Willems

I don't know about your kids, but mine LOVE Mo Willems. I have a hard time reading these books aloud because I can hardly keep from laughing outloud. There is something so basically hilarious about his writing and illustrations that I can't help it.

My friend Angela called yesterday and told me that Mo himself, was going to be at a local bookstore signing books and promoting his new book, The Pigeon Wants a Puppy. (This book is as great as his previous ones).

So Angela grabbed Jackson and Kate and took them with her boys to meet Mo. They had a lot of fun and were way excited to meet "a real live author". Thanks Angela!


the andersons said...

Abby loves these books too! Looking forward to seeing the newest one when we get back.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe Mo Willems was in town??!!! I don't know if you've seen my comments about him in Good Reads but I love his books and so do my kids! I am sooo bummed I missed him but happy for you!

Tami Vincent said...

Hi guys,
We love those books. We really love "Dont let the pigeon drive the bus" I think that we would love to meet that auther. That looks like so much fun.


How cool! Thank's Angela. The kids must have had a great time!

Kari said...

Sounds like a great time!!! Looks like a trip to Barnes & Noble is in order to pick up some new books :)

Anonymous said...

You are such a good mother, Carolyn! I think about you often and love you so much!

Hang in there, girl!
