Thursday, July 26, 2007

Westward Bound

So in the early morning hours tomorrow, we'll be packing up for our 8am flight to Montana. I don't know how Jason arranged it this way but I am flying both ways with the kids and no husband! Good least I only have one layover is SLC and a direct flight home. Could be worse (which incidentally is my motto as of late). We have many fun excursions planned in Montana and then we are driving to Utah where we'll meet Jason when he flys in for the week. We'll stay in Utah for the week and attend a family reunion as well as the usual Utah summer destinations. Then the kids and I'll drive back up to Montana for a few days before we fly home. Who bets that I'll be more exhausted at the end of the "vacation" than I am now?


Moss & Fern Cottage said...

Have a great trip and be safe !!


Tracy said...

Wow! That wore me out just reading about it. Have fun...